Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Rasa mcm da lma gile xg interview
Smlm interview by pengarah jabatan amalan perubatan kkm..
Haha..i really have no idea keje admin mcm mna..
Becoz xpenah keje admin..
First2 je dia tanya,is it correct your ic number started with 88?
Yes,i'm sure it's mine..
How come ur age so different with ur collegue?
Haha..aku mls nk jwb sbb PTS tu..
So aku diamkn je..
Tanye lg,btw,before i forget,when is ur due?
Haha..aku da agak,sure la diorg tanye..
Mcm goreng je aku jwb..
Satu soalan xleh blah
Do u like presentation? 
Can u give lecture?
Ntah apa la mulut aku laju je jwb 'can'
Pastu mula plak soalan personal..
What is ur hobby?
Expression muka diorg cm terkejot gle..
Yes..i love sewing..
Next question plak,
Do u have any siblings in medical line?
Where are they working?
Kah2.. Xkn aku nk tipu..
Reveal je la angah keje kt situ..
Then, do u love doing locum?
No,i prefer do something else
Are u sure?
Yes,very sure..
Muka diorg mcm xcaya je kt aku

To be continue


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