Tuesday, June 29, 2010

reflection of the day~


Surah Al Inshirah atau Surat Alam Nasyrah adalah surat ke-94 dalam Al Qur'an. Surat ini terdiri atas 8 ayat dan termasuk golongan surat-surat Makkiyah serta diturunkan sesudah surat Adh Dhuhaa. Nama Alam Nasyrah diambil dari kata Alam Nasyrah yang terdapat pada ayat pertama, yang berarti: bukankah Kami telah melapangkan.

1. Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan bagimu: dadamu (Wahai Muhammad serta mengisinya Dengan iman dan hidayah petunjuk) ?

2. Dan Kami telah meringankan daripadamu: bebanmu (menyiarkan Islam) -

3. yang memberati tanggunganmu, (dengan memberikan berbagai kemudahan Dalam melaksanakannya)?

4. Dan Kami telah meninggikan bagimu: sebutan namamu (dengan mengurniakan pangkat Nabi dan berbagai kemuliaan)?

5. Oleh itu, maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) Bahawa Sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan,

6. (sekali lagi ditegaskan): Bahawa Sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan.

7. Kemudian apabila Engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu amal Soleh), maka bersungguh-sungguhlah Engkau berusaha (mengerjakan amal soleh yang lain),

8. Dan kepada Tuhanmu sahaja hendaklah Engkau memohon (Apa yang Engkau gemar dan ingini).

have really good experience today..

6.30am in the went to ward..

as usual..blood taking,inserting branula,clerking patient,examine patient

then follow ward round..learnt how to manage prolonged menses in 14 years old lady

after that went to menopausal clinic

really love that session with Prof Dr Nik

at first i'm feeling scared to join

but when the clinic started,i really enjoy..

learn about HRT and menopause

make me understand more

then i had teaching with my supervisor

got palpitation..haha..becoz thinking what he would ask me..

expected..he will ask very basic question

LIE - relation of long axis of fetus to the long axis of mother's uterus

PRESENTATION - part of fetus which occupies the lower pole of uterus/pelvic brim

ATTITUDE - relationship of its different parts to each other

POSITION - relationship of denominator of presenting part to the mother's pelvis. If vertex,denominator is occiput.

ENGAGEMENT - descent of biparietal diameter through the pelvic brim

the next question is everything about forceps delivery

Full dilatation of cervix

OA/OP position

Rupture of membrane

Catherterization / exclude CPD


Pain killer - epidural / pudendal nerve block

Skills/ supervision/sterile procedure

remember this pnemonic..at least it will help u..hehe

the next question is regarding counseling session regarding mode of delivery in patient with one previous scar..next time i will share..hehe

today really makes me feels confident..

hopefully this spirit will be long lasting..

so, get ready for tomorrow OT..make sure u know anatomy well ^_^

semoga Allah mempermudahkan segala urusanmu..

setiap satu kesusahan pasti akan ada kesenangan..


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